
Dubhe Indexer for Sui

Dubhe Indexer is a powerful indexing solution for Sui blockchain data, currently supporting SQLite database storage. It provides real-time data indexing, querying, and WebSocket subscriptions for your Dubhe contracts.

Getting Started


pnpm install @0xobelisk/sui-indexer

Basic Usage

Start the indexer with default configuration:

pnpm sqlite-indexer --network localnet --config-path dubhe.config.ts

Command Line Options

  --network            Network to index (mainnet/testnet/localnet) [default: "localnet"]
  --config-path        Path to dubhe config file [default: "dubhe.config.ts"]
  --force-regenesis    Force clear and restart indexing [default: false]
  --schema-id          Schema ID to filter transactions
  --host              Host to listen on [default: ""]
  --port              Port to listen on [default: 3001]
  --sqlite-filename    SQLite database filename [default: "./indexer.db"]
  --sync-limit        Number of transactions to sync per time [default: 50]
  --default-page-size Page size for pagination [default: 10]
  --pagination-limit  Maximum pagination limit [default: 100]
  --sentry-dsn        Sentry DSN for error tracking

API Endpoints

HTTP Endpoints

  • GET /graphql - GraphQL endpoint

Access the GraphQL Playground by visiting:


WebSocket Subscriptions

Connect to ws://{host}:{port} to receive real-time updates.

Query Examples

Using Dubhe Client

To query the indexed data, you’ll need to initialize a Dubhe client:

  1. Using default indexer URLs:
const dubhe = new Dubhe({
  networkType: "localnet", // Will use default indexer URLs:
  // (HTTP)
  // ws:// (WebSocket)
  1. Using custom indexer URLs:
const dubhe = new Dubhe({
  networkType: "localnet",
  indexerUrl: "https://your-custom-indexer.com", // Custom HTTP endpoint
  indexerWsUrl: "wss://your-custom-indexer.com/ws", // Custom WebSocket endpoint

For all networks (localnet/testnet/mainnet), the default indexer URLs are:

  • HTTP:
  • WebSocket: ws://

Basic Query Examples

  1. Query a single storage item:
const response = await dubhe.getStorageItem({
  name: "position",
  key1: "0x379aa1cc401f024e2fee2ea25bdb85e48355491bd6fcaf685e39a7fcc84b2101",
console.log(response.value); // Parsed data
console.log(response.data); // Raw data
  1. Query multiple items with pagination:
let total = 0;
let currentPage = await dubhe.getStorage({
  name: "position",
  first: 10,
  orderBy: ["ID_ASC"],
// Process current page
console.log("Current Page Data:", currentPage.value);
total += currentPage.value.length;
// Fetch all pages
while (currentPage.pageInfo.hasNextPage) {
  currentPage = await dubhe.getStorage({
    name: "position",
    first: 10,
    after: currentPage.pageInfo.endCursor,
    orderBy: ["ID_ASC"],
  console.log("Next Page Data:", currentPage.value);
  total += currentPage.value.length;
  1. Subscribe to real-time updates:
const websocket = await dubhe.subscribe(
  ["monster_catch_attempt_event", "position"],
  (data) => {
    console.log("Received update:", data);

For more detailed examples of querying indexed data, including complex filtering, advanced pagination, and error handling, please refer to the Client Documentation - Indexer Integration section.


For issues and feature requests, please visit our GitHub repository or join our community channels.