DubheSuiSchemasSchemas Config

Schemas Config & schemagen Tool

The schemagen CLI tool generates libraries for Schemas. It makes it much less error-prone than using the Schemas low-level API, and comes with typed Move APIs when setting and retrieving records.

Using schemagen with the Dubhe framework

If you are using the Dubhe framework and have a dubhe.config.ts file in your project, you can edit your Schemas config directly in this file!

A Schemas config should be named dubhe.config.ts, and placed at the root of your project.

This is the minimal config:

import { DubheConfig } from '@0xobelisk/sui-common';
export const dubheConfig = {
  name: "example", // name of the Move project
  description: "example desc", // description of the Move project
  schemas: {}, // an empty config with no schemas,
} as DubheConfig;

Generating the schemas

To generate the schemas, run pnpm dubhe schemagen in the same folder as the config file.

Schema Data

Currently, Schema supports all the basic types of Move, and will be added later according to the demand.

export const dubheConfig = {
  name: "example",
  description: "example desc",
  data: {
      Student: {
          name: "string",
          age: "u8",
  schemas: {},
} as DubheConfig;


Schema currently supports three storage structures, StorageValue, StorageMap, StorageDoubleMap.

export const dubheConfig = {
  name: "example",
  description: "example desc",
  data: {
      Student: {
          name: "string",
          age: "u8",
  schemas: {
     class: 'StorageValue<u8>',
     student: 'StorageMap<address, Student>',
     teacher: 'StorageDoubleMap<address, u8, address>',
} as DubheConfig;


export const dubheConfig = {
  name: "example",
  description: "example desc",
  data: {
      Student: {
          name: "string",
          age: "u8",
  schemas: {
     class: 'StorageValue<u8>',
     student: 'StorageMap<address, Student>',
     teacher: 'StorageDoubleMap<address, u8, address>',
  events: {
     StudentAdded : {
        address: "address",
        info: "Student",
    StudentRemoved: {
         address: "u32",
} as DubheConfig;


export const dubheConfig = {
  name: "example",
  description: "example desc",
  data: {
      Student: {
          name: "string",
          age: "u8",
  schemas: {
     class: 'StorageValue<u8>',
     student: 'StorageMap<address, Student>',
     teacher: 'StorageDoubleMap<address, u8, address>',
  events: {
     StudentAdded : {
        address: "address",
        info: "Student",
    StudentRemoved: {
         address: "u32",
  errors: {
    StudentNotFound: "Student not found",
    StudentAlreadyExists: "Student already exists",
} as DubheConfig;