Start a Local Node

In this tutorial, we will show you how to start a local node on your machine. This is useful for testing your smart contracts locally before deploying them to the mainnet or testnet.

pnpm dubhe node

you can see the following output:

➜  pnpm dubhe node
Welcome to Dubhe
                         --from team@obelisk
   ________  ___  ___  ________  ___  ___  _______
  |\   ___ \|\  \|\  \|\   __  \|\  \|\  \|\  ___ \
  \ \  \_|\ \ \  \\\  \ \  \|\ /\ \  \\\  \ \   __/|
   \ \  \ \\ \ \  \\\  \ \   __  \ \   __  \ \  \_|/__
    \ \  \_\\ \ \  \\\  \ \  \|\  \ \  \ \  \ \  \_|\ \
     \ \_______\ \_______\ \_______\ \__\ \__\ \_______\
πŸš€ Starting Local Node...
  β”œβ”€ Faucet: Enabled
  └─ Force Regenesis: Yes
  └─ HTTP server:
  └─ Faucet server:
  β”Œβ”€ Account #0: 0xe7f93ad7493035bcd674f287f78526091e195a6df9d64f23def61a7ce3adada9(1000 SUI)
  └─ Private Key: suiprivkey1qq3ez3dje66l8pypgxynr7yymwps6uhn7vyczespj84974j3zya0wdpu76v
  β”Œβ”€ Account #1: 0x492404a537c32b46610bd6ae9f7f16ba16ff5a607d272543fe86cada69d8cf44(1000 SUI)
  └─ Private Key: suiprivkey1qp6vcyg8r2x88fllmjmxtpzjl95gd9dugqrgz7xxf50w6rqdqzetg7x4d7s
  β”Œβ”€ Account #2: 0xd27e203483700d837a462d159ced6104619d8e36f737bf2a20c251153bf39f24(1000 SUI)
  └─ Private Key: suiprivkey1qpy3a696eh3m55fwa8h38ss063459u4n2dm9t24w2hlxxzjp2x34q8sdsnc
  β”Œβ”€ Account #3: 0x018f1f175c9b6739a14bc9c81e7984c134ebf9031015cf796fefcef04b8c4990(1000 SUI)
  └─ Private Key: suiprivkey1qzxwp29favhzrjd95f6uj9nskjwal6nh9g509jpun395y6g72d6jqlmps4c
  β”Œβ”€ Account #4: 0x932f6aab2bc636a25374f99794dc8451c4e27c91e87083e301816ed08bc98ed0(1000 SUI)
  └─ Private Key: suiprivkey1qzhq4lv38sesah4uzsqkkmeyjx860xqjdz8qgw36tmrdd5tnle3evxpng57
  β”Œβ”€ Account #5: 0x9a66b2da3036badd22529e3de8a00b0cd7dbbfe589873aa03d5f885f5f8c6501(1000 SUI)
  └─ Private Key: suiprivkey1qzez45sjjsepjgtksqvpq6jw7dzw3zq0dx7a4sulfypd73acaynw5jl9x2c
⚠️WARNING: These accounts, and their private keys, are publicly known.
Any funds sent to them on Mainnet or any other live network WILL BE LOST.

Warning: Do not close the console or use Ctrl + C to close the local node.

you can use dubhe to generate a new account. You can also manually create a new .env file in the root path of your project and copy the private key from it, but do not use it in production!

➜  pnpm dubhe generate-key
File created at: dubhe-template-project/.env
Generate new Account: 0x4731bb33cb26a9ad55c3163ada9fc261beb8c238b6e5b062583200a8a6516d1d

You can use faucet to get some SUI tokens.

➜  pnpm dubhe faucet
🌊 Starting Faucet Operation...
  β”œβ”€ Network: localnet
  β”œβ”€ Using Environment PrivateKey
  β”œβ”€ Generated Address: 0x4731bb33cb26a9ad55c3163ada9fc261beb8c238b6e5b062583200a8a6516d1d
  β”œβ”€ Requesting funds from faucet...
(node:74415) ExperimentalWarning: The Fetch API is an experimental feature. This feature could change at any time
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
  └─ Checking balance...
πŸ’° Account Summary
  β”œβ”€ Address: 0x4731bb33cb26a9ad55c3163ada9fc261beb8c238b6e5b062583200a8a6516d1d
  └─ Balance: 1000.0000 SUI
βœ… Faucet Operation Complete